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Family Adventure

NOTE: This Adventure is the same for Pre-K, Basic and Teens




What's summer without splash pads!?!  This Adventure is all about exploring local splash pads!!


Do you know where all of the splash pads are in your area?  How many have you been to?


For this Adventure you will check out some Splash pads in your community.


Here are some fun games to play at the splash pad. The ability to play the games may depend on the layout and type of splash pad.


1. Musical Chairs – Splash Pad Style
Have the kids line up along each of the spouts. When water shoots from the spout, that child is out of the game. The goal of the game is to stay on the splash pad as long as possible. Beware! Sometimes all the spouts will shoot up at once.


2. Fill the Cup
Have the children take empty cups, bowls, or container. Whoever can fill their cup up with water first wins. The oscillating, random feature of the portable splash pad will keep the kids guessing as they try to guess which spout will shoot water out next!


3. Stay on the Splash Pad
Have all participants stay on the Splash Pad. The goal is to stay on the splash pad without getting hit by the water. Kids must try to not get wet, but also stay on the Splash Pad.  Put about a 1 – 3 minute time limit for some quick, easy fun.




Community Engagement Adventure

Take this Adventure to the next level by coming up with some game ideas of their own, and also help promote safety.  Organize a group trip to the Splash pad where you can teach your games and safety tips to others in the group.


Here are a couple of rules to remember:


  • Keep an eye on small kids to make sure they are safe and don't get run over by bigger kids.
  • No running, rough-housing or jumping in the splash pad area.
  • Make sure the splash pad that you use treats the water to keep it safe for everyone to enjoy. Untreated water can lead to illness.
  • Bring lots of water to drink. Active kids need a lot of water on a hot day.
  • Do not to drink the water!
  • Use the bathroom frequently. Little ones should change soiled diapers immediately to cut down on the risk of contamination.
  • Use a chemical free sunscreen and re-apply often.


Have FUN!




Photo Location

Take a picture of you splashing around at the splash pad and post it to your social media sites with the hashtags #Splash and #MyDiscoveryDestination

by Tremonton City

Tremonton is the Heart of the Bear River Valley and serves the smaller communities in the area as well as visitors from out of town. As the closest full service city to many of the areas favorite hot spots such as the Golden Spike National Monument, Spiral Jetty-Utah’s piece of art work, or the ATK Rocket Garden as well as serving people visiting the world renowned Bear River Bird Refugee, visitors enjoy the convenience, proximity, and charming small town feel that Tremonton has to offer them.

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My Discovery Destination! Adventures

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