Welcome to Utah's Adventure Hub

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Join the Fun!

Family Adventure

Welcome to the Summer Passport 2021!


You are in for a TON of FUN with over 100 Adventures to keep bodies active and minds engaged. There are plenty of options to keep the fun going



Here is how to get started for all levels-- PreK, Basic and Teens:



STEP 1:  GET REGISTERED  so that you will have access to your Adventure Photo Journal!


Note that the Summer Passport Hubs are housed on a completely separate domain from the Discovery Family Adventures. This means that you will need to register for the Summer Passport Program even if you are already registered for the Discovery Family Adventures. Remember when you register to register your FAMILY name in case you want to report completion of the Adventures as a family. You can also register each child separately in case one child completes an Adventure on their own or if you want to put a different photo in each child's Adventure Photo Journal. When you report completion you will be able to choose which children completed the Adventure and submit for all children at once. However, if you want to have a different photo in each child's journal you will need to report completion separately.


You are going to LOVE how this tracking system keeps track of your points so you can earn GREAT prizes! It will also create a fun, photographic history of your adventuring! You should receive a welcome email after registering. If you don't get it please check your spam folder!



STEP 2:  Connect to the Discovery Hunt App for a fun, On-the-Go experience.

  • Go to your App store and search for the goosechase app 
  • Search for 'Summer Passport' and all of the Summer Passport 2021 Hubs will show up.
  • Feel free to join as many of the Hubs as you'd like. Many of the Adventures will be duplicated on all Hubs, but each Hub will also have a number of Adventures unique to that local area, so if you will be visiting another 'Hub' during the summer you'll want to join that Hub so you can capture all of the local FUN!




  • Each Hub will have a specified location where you can pick up your passport.
  • Be sure to connect with your local DiscoverFamily.Fun community on June 1st to find out where to pick up yours.
  • You can also print your own passport if you are unable to get to a pick-up location.




STEP 4:   Complete the inside cover of the passport with your name, photo (drawn or actual) and other info as desired.




STEP 5:   Take a selfie showing your Summer 2021 passport. (NOTE: You will need to take a 'selfie' or photo for each adventure as this is how you will submit to receive your points. This is true regardless of which platform you use (website or App). Submitting the photo on the website does NOT make it public. You have the option with each adventure to indicate whether you want the photo shared or kept private. Photos submitted via the app version will be public in most cases. You may want to use 'online safety practices' for those pics.)





STEP 6:   Post your selfie to your social media sites with the hashtags #SummerPassport2021, #DiscoverFamilyFun and #MyDiscoveryDestination.  Including the hashtags is an important part of the program. This is a simple way to thank our Adventure Partners for making the program possible. Keep in mind that without Adventure Partners there would be no program and no prizes. Without #hashtag love to show that families are using the program there would be no Adventure Partners!


Actually, we encourage you to share your pics to your social media platforms, with hashtags, for a variety of reasons:

❏  Share the Adventures with other families so they can enjoy them, too!

❏ Help build self-esteem and confidence in kids (kids love seeing their parents 'brag' about the good things they are doing), and

❏ As mentioned, support the Adventure Partners that are supporting the program and making all of this FREE Family Fun possible!


However, first and foremost, we want your family to be safe! Therefore, please take a few minutes to check the privacy settings on your social media platforms and ensure that they are set appropriately. Some platforms (Facebook, for one) will also allow you to set privacy settings for EACH POST. Be sure to use those privacy settings to limit who can see your posts.


In summary . . . we WANT you to help promote the program by sharing the pics and spreading the word, but always and forever . . . SAFETY FIRST! Please be wise in what and how you share any pictures of your children. For fun ideas on how to take 'online safe' photos check out the 'Online Safety' Discovery Family Adventure.




STEP 7:   Connect to your local Facebook Community to stay current on what's happening in your community. If there is not a local community near you please follow the USA community. Remember, if you are not on Facebook you can still participate! The Adventures are always accessible via the website and the Discovery Hunt App. You can also stay up-to-date on events happening by texting 'family' to 888-403-4140.




STEP 8:   Click on the orange 'Complete ____' button below the Adventure and fill it out, including uploading your selfie. (NOTE: The orange 'Complete ___' buttons will only be visible if you are logged into your account. If you are not seeing the buttons, you are not logged in. You can find 'login' links listed under the orange 'JOIN THE FUN' button and at the bottom of every page on the website)



You just earned your first 100 points!! That was easy!



Want to earn 300 more?  Check out the Community Engagement Level!




Community Engagement Adventure


It's always more fun to have some buddies working on the adventures with you.  Help at least 3 friends get connected to the Summer Passport Program. This will triple the FUN!




When completing this Adventure you will need a selfie of all 4 (or more) of your adventuring team (or as many of you as you can get together) with your passports and ready to head out on your next adventure!!




Remember that siblings are your very best friends and fellow adventurers, so definitely get your siblings involved. However, this is the 'community engagement' level, so for this Adventure be sure to share with 3 or more friends outside of your household. Spread the word!




Congratulations! You just earned another 300 points!


(Be sure to log those points by clicking on the orange 'Complete Community Engagement' button below!)




Now that you know how this works  . . . it's time for more Adventures!


Check out the list of Adventures in your community and HAVE SOME FUN!



Access the Adventures in the following ways:



The website!

A great option for logging completion and tracking your points.

The ONLY option for creating a PRIVATE Adventure Photo Journal. (No one else has access, not even us!)

Allows you to track points for each child, and track multiple completions of the same Adventure



Discovery HUNT App

An easy, 'on-the-go' version that tracks points and provides a 'Leader Board' if you like a little competition!

It allows you to see and 'like' other teams' submissions for more engagement (Remember- they can see yours too!)

It doesn't have all of the features, but it's a FUN way to play when you're Out and About!




Facebook Communities

This is the best way to keep current on LOCAL ADVENTURES happening in your area and get the latest updates



Discovery App

This is a great way to get updates straight to your phone




Instagram provides pictures from the Adventures after the fact










Photo Location

Take a selfie of you with your passport when you pick it up and post it to your social media sites with the hashtags #SummerPassport2021 #DiscoverFamilyFun and #MyDiscoveryDestination

by Get Your Passport

WELCOME to the My Discovery Destination! Summer Passport Program!!


Time for FUN and ADVENTURE!!

Find Adventures Year Round at DiscoveryFamilyAdventures.com


My Discovery Destination! Adventures

Sponsored by My Discovery Destination! and  local businesses and organizations in your community

for the purpose of


Send an email to Sharilee@MyDiscoveryDestination.com if you would like to learn how we can bring a wide variety of FUN and educational LIVE EVENTS to your community!