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Family Adventure

We are excited to be working with Epik Digital and #UseTech4Good this next year to build the CyberSeniors program in Utah.



For this Adventure explore the CyberSeniors program as a family and determine if it is something you would like to be involved with. One thought we would like to throw out there is that you could have your family members take advantage of the training and benefits the CyberSeniors program provides and then mentor grandparents and elderly neighbors and friends that need help.



All of the details are below.





Bring youth and seniors together to learn, connect and build relationships.


This Adventure will help youth experience the wonder of what happens when people from different generations take opportunities to work together.




The Adventure:


Bridge generational and digital divides by helping youth and adults alike to complete the FREE online Cyber Seniors training and become certified as tech mentors for senior citizens; then being paired with a senior citizen who needs help learning about technology.





TIPS/Reward Suggestions:


 As you complete the training, take time as a family to do the learning activities provided on the Cyber Seniors' website.


Support your children as they go through the process, recognize the time and effort they are putting into the program, and help them see the difference they can make in the lives of the seniors they will work with.


Let your children hear you brag about them and the valuable work they are doing in conversations with your friends.






Step 1: Register each member of the family at CyberSeniors.org to be a mentor: https://cyberseniors.org/volunteers/.


Step 2: Watch the Cyber Seniors videos together as a family: https://www.youtube.com/user/cyberseniorscorner.  Complete all six training modules and quizzes.


Step 3: Let each member of the family share three things they learned with your family.


Step 4:  As a family, consider seniors you know who might benefit from this program. Make a list of seniors you want to help (a grandparent, an elderly member of your church group, someone in the community) and help them get registered on Cyber Seniors. (You can also use Cyber Seniors' connection tool to be connected to a senior there.)


Step 5: Using the Mentor Handbook (provided on the website), start teaching your senior friend!


Step 6: Use Cyber Seniors' tools to track the hours you spend in training and service.  Youth can use these hours . . .

❏ for service hour requirements

❏ on college applications

❏ on resumes



Step 7:  Be sure to report your successes HERE so we can spotlight you.


Additional Resources:



  You can stream the Cyber Seniors Documentary on a variety of streaming services: https://cyberseniorsdocumentary.com/get-your-copy-of-the-film/



Be sure to share what you learn about how to be sensitive to seniors with your friends and family.



 During COVID, mentoring will be done virtually. The skills you develop through training and virtual service can be used in person once restrictions are lifted.




 This is a great way to UseTech4Good and UseTech2Serve.  You can also see this project listed on JustServe.org. Also, remember to also take a few minutes to record a 60 second or shorter video to submit to the Super Service Challenge and help earn money for your local foundations.






Community Engagement Adventure


Over the next few months we will be working with Epik Deliberate and other partners to build a Cyber Seniors program. You can help us bring this program to our communities in the following ways:



 Invite friends to join you in getting trained in the Cyber Seniors program



  Contact a senior center to offer your friend/multi-family groups' services to provide virtual digital literacy training for residents of their center.



Be sure to report your successes HERE so we can spotlight you.





Photo Location

Take a picture of you and your cyber senior mentee

by CyberSeniors

#UseTech4Good challenges youth and adults to find and create the GOOD online. It replaces the fear with positive, deliberate, constructive ways youth and adults can work together with technology.


The sky is the limit. You (youth and adults together) create, share, uplift and we feature your stories here. #UseTech4Good

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